Flourish PHP Unframework
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Result object eats lots of memory that I can't seem to get back

posted by peranme 9 years ago


I'm fairly new at both PHP and Flourish, so hopefully my question is an easy one :-)

Here's my code:

$dbThis=new fDatabase('mysql',$globDatabaseName,$globDbUsername,$globDbPassword,$globDbServer);
$strSql="SELECT l.LanguageId, Text ".
  "FROM entLanguages AS l, entTexts AS t WHERE TextNum=LanguageDescTextNum AND t.LanguageId=1 ".
  "ORDER BY l.LanguageId ASC";
foreach ($rsThis as $row){

If I add in lines to display memory_get_usage() after every time I create a new instance, I notice that $rsThis eats up about 50MB of RAM, which seems a lot, given that sure, the Text column is a MySQL MEDIUMTEXT field, but it currently never holds anything above 200 chars (UTF-8).

The real problem is, I can't seem to get that memory back.

I've tried:


...none of which make any difference, alone or in different combinations.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


Well, you are using a prepared statement where you don't need one, and I bet the database extension being selected stores the results related to the prepared statement object.

You really only want to use a prepared statement if the query requires it (32+ KB strings for DB2 or Oracle), or if you are going to execute the query multiple times. Otherwise the separate prepare and query will most likely take longer than a query.

Try this instead:

$dbThis=new fDatabase('mysql',$globDatabaseName,$globDbUsername,$globDbPassword,$globDbServer);
$strSql="SELECT l.LanguageId, Text ".
  "FROM entLanguages AS l, entTexts AS t WHERE TextNum=LanguageDescTextNum AND t.LanguageId=1 ".
  "ORDER BY l.LanguageId ASC";
foreach ($rsThis as $row){
posted by wbond 9 years ago

Thanks for the reply!

Yup, doing it without a statement certainly works well, memory gets released nicely.

As you say, in this case, doing a prepared statement is pointless, I just use them all the time to make sure I don't forget to when I *do* need them. And there does seem to be a memory leak or release problem with fResult:

if ($boolShowMem) DbugMem("before languages");

$dbThis=new fDatabase('mysql',$globDatabaseName,$globDbUsername,$globDbPassword,$globDbServer);
if ($boolShowMem) DbugMem("having just created dbThis");
$strSql="SELECT l.LanguageId, Text ".
  "FROM entLanguages AS l, entTexts AS t WHERE TextNum=LanguageDescTextNum AND t.LanguageId=1 ".
  "ORDER BY l.LanguageId ASC";
if ($boolShowMem) DbugMem("having just created stmtThis");
if ($boolShowMem) DbugMem("before creating rsThis");
if ($boolShowMem) DbugMem("having just created rsThis");
foreach ($rsThis as $row){

if ($boolShowMem) DbugMem("after languages");
if ($boolShowMem) DbugMem("after unset(".chr(36)."row)");
if ($boolShowMem) DbugMem("after unset(".chr(36)."rsThis)");
if ($boolShowMem) DbugMem("after unset(".chr(36)."dbThis)");

(the value returned by DbugMem() is just what memory_get_usage() returns)

And the output is:

Memory before languages: 494kB (506832 bytes)

Memory having just created dbThis: 1055kB (1080716 bytes)

Memory having just created stmtThis: 1395kB (1428916 bytes)

Memory before creating rsThis: 1395kB (1428900 bytes)

Memory having just created rsThis: 50646kB (51861876 bytes)

Memory after languages: 50646kB (51862048 bytes)

Memory after unset($row): 50646kB (51861988 bytes)

Memory after unset($rsThis): 50643kB (51858596 bytes)

Memory after unset($dbThis): 50643kB (51858528 bytes)

...I simply don't get the memory back, and if I do nested queries, PHP runs out of its default 128MB of allocated RAM.

posted by peranme 9 years ago

Sorry, forgot to unset the statement object in that last snippet, but unsetting it doesn't make a difference, new output:

Memory before languages: 495kB (507804 bytes)

Memory having just created dbThis: 1056kB (1081684 bytes)

Memory having just created stmtThis: 1396kB (1429884 bytes)

Memory before creating rsThis: 1396kB (1429868 bytes)

Memory having just created rsThis: 50647kB (51862856 bytes)

Memory after languages: 50647kB (51863028 bytes)

Memory after unset($row): 50647kB (51862968 bytes)

Memory after unset($rsThis): 50644kB (51859576 bytes)

Memory after unset($stmtThis): 50644kB (51859508 bytes)

Memory after unset($dbThis): 50643kB (51859440 bytes)

posted by peranme 9 years ago

So this seems to be somewhat of an issue with the mysqli extension. When grabbing values in a non-buffered manner, it allocates enough ram to work with the maximum data that can fit in a column. This gets big for MEDIUMTEXT, MEDIUMBLOB, LONGTEXT and LONGBLOB.

In r895 I've committed a fix that will cause it to only allocate what is needed to the fit the content for normal query() calls, but then unbufferedQuery() will continue to use the current non-stored functionality. Another option is to explicitly call fStatement::__destruct(). This will free the memory.

posted by wbond 9 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to dive into this. Can you tell me the output of the following PHP?


With this info I should be able to get to the bottom of it.

posted by wbond 9 years ago

That returns "mysqli".

posted by peranme 9 years ago

I can confirm that if I do


before doing unset($stmtThis) - all RAM is returned, so that's a feasible workaround.

But it seems to my noob mind unset() should be enough?

posted by peranme 9 years ago

As I mentioned in my previous content, you don't need to do anything as of r895. If you are using an older version, or ->unbufferedQuery() and want to free memory before the end of the script, call ->__destruct().

unset() removes a variable reference to a value, but __destruct() will only be called when all references have been destroyed. It seems that PHP thinks there is still some references to your fStatement object.

posted by wbond 9 years ago

Sorry for being so stubborn :-)

Yes, it *might* be a bug in PHP that makes the following page eat all this RAM:





function Dbug($strOut){
  echo "<p class=\\"Dbug\\">".$strOut."</p>\\n";

function DbugMem(){
  if (func_num_args()==1){
    $strText=" ".trim(func_get_arg(0)," "); // Get first argument from list
  Dbug("Memory".$strText.": <b>".$numKbytes."kB</b> (".$numBytes." bytes)");
DbugMem("before languages");

$dbThis=new fDatabase('mysql',$globDatabaseName,$globDbUsername,$globDbPassword,$globDbServer);
DbugMem("having just created dbThis");
$strSql="SELECT l.LanguageId, Text ".
  "FROM entLanguages AS l, entTexts AS t WHERE TextNum=LanguageDescTextNum AND t.LanguageId=1 ".
  "ORDER BY l.LanguageId ASC";
DbugMem("having just created stmtThis");
DbugMem("having just created rsThis");
foreach ($rsThis as $row){

DbugMem("after languages");
DbugMem("after unset(".chr(36)."row)");
DbugMem("after unset(".chr(36)."rsThis)");
if ($boolCallDestructor){
  DbugMem("after ".chr(36)."stmtThis->_destruct()");
DbugMem("after unset(".chr(36)."stmtThis)");
DbugMem("after unset(".chr(36)."dbThis)");


(this is the complete page, no other includes, all I've done before posting it here was removing database credentials)

(set $boolCallDestructor to false to see the memory not being released)

I fail to see what other references to these objects PHP can see, isn't it possible that this is indeed a bug in Flourish, potentially related to MEDIUMTEXT fields?

posted by peranme 9 years ago

Did you upgraded Flourish to r896 yet?

My results are:

Without explicit __destruct() call:

Memory before languages: <b>6802kB</b> (6965652 bytes)
Memory having just created stmtThis: <b>6804kB</b> (6967364 bytes)
Memory having just created rsThis: <b>6818kB</b> (6981748 bytes)
Memory after languages: <b>6818kB</b> (6981748 bytes)
Memory after unset($row): <b>6818kB</b> (6981748 bytes)
Memory after unset($rsThis): <b>6816kB</b> (6979628 bytes)
Memory after unset($stmtThis): <b>6815kB</b> (6979560 bytes)

With explicit __destruct() call:

Memory before languages: <b>6802kB</b> (6965652 bytes)
Memory having just created stmtThis: <b>6804kB</b> (6967364 bytes)
Memory having just created rsThis: <b>6818kB</b> (6981748 bytes)
Memory after languages: <b>6818kB</b> (6981748 bytes)
Memory after unset($row): <b>6818kB</b> (6981748 bytes)
Memory after unset($rsThis): <b>6816kB</b> (6979628 bytes)
Memory after $stmtThis->_destruct(): <b>6815kB</b> (6978936 bytes)
Memory after unset($stmtThis): <b>6815kB</b> (6978868 bytes)

With five iterations of creating a statement and then :

Memory before languages: <b>6803kB</b> (6966964 bytes)
Memory having just created stmtThis: <b>6805kB</b> (6969004 bytes)
Memory having just created rsThis: <b>6818kB</b> (6982464 bytes)
Memory after languages: <b>6818kB</b> (6982464 bytes)
Memory after unset($row): <b>6818kB</b> (6982464 bytes)
Memory after unset($rsThis): <b>6816kB</b> (6980344 bytes)
Memory after unset($stmtThis): <b>6816kB</b> (6980276 bytes)
Memory having just created stmtThis: <b>6817kB</b> (6980700 bytes)
Memory having just created rsThis: <b>6818kB</b> (6982480 bytes)
Memory after languages: <b>6818kB</b> (6982480 bytes)
Memory after unset($row): <b>6818kB</b> (6982480 bytes)
Memory after unset($rsThis): <b>6816kB</b> (6980360 bytes)
Memory after unset($stmtThis): <b>6816kB</b> (6980292 bytes)
Memory having just created stmtThis: <b>6816kB</b> (6980556 bytes)
Memory having just created rsThis: <b>6818kB</b> (6982460 bytes)
Memory after languages: <b>6818kB</b> (6982500 bytes)
Memory after unset($row): <b>6818kB</b> (6982500 bytes)
Memory after unset($rsThis): <b>6816kB</b> (6980352 bytes)
Memory after unset($stmtThis): <b>6816kB</b> (6980284 bytes)
Memory having just created stmtThis: <b>6817kB</b> (6980700 bytes)
Memory having just created rsThis: <b>6818kB</b> (6982460 bytes)
Memory after languages: <b>6818kB</b> (6982548 bytes)
Memory after unset($row): <b>6818kB</b> (6982548 bytes)
Memory after unset($rsThis): <b>6816kB</b> (6980348 bytes)
Memory after unset($stmtThis): <b>6816kB</b> (6980280 bytes)
Memory having just created stmtThis: <b>6817kB</b> (6980704 bytes)
Memory having just created rsThis: <b>6818kB</b> (6982476 bytes)
Memory after languages: <b>6818kB</b> (6982476 bytes)
Memory after unset($row): <b>6818kB</b> (6982476 bytes)
Memory after unset($rsThis): <b>6816kB</b> (6980360 bytes)
Memory after unset($stmtThis): <b>6816kB</b> (6980292 bytes)

I'm not seeing a memory leak. If there was one, the memory usage should go up with each iteration. Also, if you change your profiling code to use get_memory_usage(TRUE) I see no changes whatsoever.

In terms of the slight changes in emalloced memory, this is normal for PHP. Try the following code to see an example:

echo memory_get_usage() . ' bytes<br />';

$vals = array();
for ($i=0; $i < 100; $i++) {
	$vals[] = new stdClass;

echo memory_get_usage() . ' bytes<br />';


echo memory_get_usage() . ' bytes<br />';

I'm fairly sure I'm properly freeing the the result resources associated with mysqli.

posted by wbond 9 years ago

Hi again!

o/ Just upgraded from r891 to r898, and now it's not only releasing the memory, it's hoggin 1300K instead of 50M! :-)

Thanks so much, we'll now be using Flourish at work, and we'll be saving lots of time. I'm as happy as a pig on xmas eve.



posted by peranme 9 years ago