Flourish PHP Unframework
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Help with fORMFile::addFUploadMethodCall please.

posted by peekay 9 years ago

Hello everybody,

can anybody tell me how to call the fUpload Method "Move" in the Class configuration?

I tried fORMFile::addFUploadMethodCall($this, 'photo_1', 'move', array( DOC_ROOT . '/uploads/galleryimages/medium')); but this did not work.

Can you help me plase?

fORMFile automatically handles moving the file to the directory specified in the fORMFile::configureFileUploadColumn(). The only fUpload methods you would need to add would be configuration methods such as fUpload::setMaxSize(), fUpload::setMIMETypes(), fUpload::allowPHP() or fUpload::allowDotFiles(). Please note that fUpload::setOptional() should not be used since the database schema will be used to determine if a file is required.

posted by wbond 9 years ago