Flourish PHP Unframework


The fORMDate class is an ORM plugin to provide additional functionality for date and time columns.

Date Created Columns

The static method configureDateCreatedColumn() sets an active record class to automatically set a date, time or timestamp column to the date/time when the record is first saved in the database.

class User extends fActiveRecord
    protected function configure()
        fORMDate::configureDateCreatedColumn($this, 'date_created');

Date Updated Columns

The static method configureDateUpdatedColumn() sets an active record class to automatically set a date, time or timestamp column to the current date/time each time the record is saved in the database.

class User extends fActiveRecord
    protected function configure()
        fORMDate::configureDateUpdatedColumn($this, 'last_edited');

Timezone Columns

Since not all supported databases support timezone information in timestamp columns, the fORMDate class allows associating a timestamp column with another column to store the timezone name. The static method configureTimezoneColumn() accepts three parameters, the $class, the $timestamp_column and the $timezone_column.

class NewsArticle extends fActiveRecord
    protected function configure()
        fORMDate::configureTimezoneColumn($this, 'date_posted', 'timezone_posted');

The timezone column will be used to store the timezone stored in any fTimestamp objects that are set to the timestamp column. If a new timestamp is set, it will be combined with the existing timezone into a new fTimestamp object. The object will be stored in the timestamp column. If a new timezone is set, it will be combined with the existing timestamp and the new fTimestamp object will be stored in the timestamp column.