Flourish PHP Unframework

Code Standards

This page covers some of the basics of the Flourish code standards.

This page is a work-in-progress and thus very incomplete.


PHP Tags

All PHP files should start with a long PHP tag <?php, and omit the closing PHP tag ?>.

class Example
	private $member = NULL;

Closing PHP tags are omitted because they are unnecessary and if they have any white-space after them, can prevent the modification of headers since output has already begun. In addition, files should never leave PHP and go to raw output, so the closing PHP tag should never be present. If output is required, the echo statement should be used instead.

This is incorrect:

class Example
	private $member = NULL;

Short tags <? and <?= should not be used since some installations of PHP do not support them and Flourish is aimed at high compatibility.

This is incorrect:

class Example
	private $member = NULL;

Line Length

In general lines should try not to exceed 80 characters in length, however this does happen a fair amount. Use best judgment about how the code will be most readable.

Line Termination

All files should be saved in Unix format, meaning that each line should end with a single line feed (also known as an LF or \n).



All code should be indented from the left margin by tab characters and a tab width should be set to 4 spaces. All indenting done in the middle of a line should be with spaces.

Please note that these code samples have all tabs replaced by 4 spaces because browsers default to 8 spaces per tab and the code highlighter automatically converts the tabs to spaces for proper spacing.

if ($show) {
	$message = 'Hello';

Large blocks of assignments should have the operators lined up.

$header  = 'Header';
$body    = 'Body';
$body   .= ' with content';

$content   = array();
$content[] = $header;
$content[] = $body;

All blocks of code, such as if, function, switch, class should have the contents indented one level. switch statements should have the case block contents indented another level:

function calculate($output, $value)
	if ($conditional) {
		$output += $value;
	switch ($value) {
		case 1:
			$output *= 1.5;

Long arrays without explicit keys and most arrays with explicit keys should have one entry per line, indented one level from the line containing the beginning of the array. When array contents are indented, all double arrows (=>) should be lined up with spaces.

// This is OK
$types    = array('gif', 'jpeg', 'png');

// This is hard to read and long
$mappings = array('gif' => 'Graphics Interchange Format', 'jpeg' =>
'Joint Photographic Experts Group', 'png' => 'Portable Network Graphics');

// This is much easier to read
$mappings = array(
	'gif'  => 'Graphics Interchange Format',
	'jpeg' => 'Joint Photographic Experts Group',
	'png'  => 'Portable Network Graphics' 


All classes and methods should have the opening and closing braces on their own line.

class Example
	public function getMember()
		return $this->member;

The opening brace should not be on the same line as the class or method name.

This is incorrect:

class Example {
	public function getMember() {
		return $this->member;

All flow-control code blocks, including if, while, for, foreach, switch, etc. should have the opening brace on the same line as the beginning of the statement.

if ($conditional) {
	$total = 1;
} else {
	$total = 2;

while ($conditional) {
	$conditional = $total % 5;

This is incorrect:

if ($conditional)
	$total = 1;

All flow-control code block should also have a single space after the statement name before the ( or {. else statements should have a space before and after the word. else/if statements should be written as elseif, not else if.

if ($conditional) {
	$total = 1;
} elseif($other_condition) {
	$total = 0;
} else {
	$total = 2;

Naming Conventions

Classes, Methods, Members and Constants

All classes are written in UpperCamelCase, methods are writen in lowerCamelCase, members are written in lower_underscore_notation and constants are written in UPPER_UNDERSCORE_NOTATION.

class MyExample
	const MY_CONSTANT = 'constant';

	private $my_member = NULL;

	public function getMyMember()
		return $this->my_member;


All variables are written in lower_underscore_notation.

$my_var = 'Hello World';


Acronyms in class, method and constant names are written as all uppercase. Acronyms in members and variables are written as all lowercase.

class USPSRates
	const APO_FPO_REGEX = '#^\s*(APO|FPO)\s+([A-Z]{2})\s+#i';
	private $web_service_url;	

	public function setWebServiceURL($url)
		$this->web_service_url = $url;