Flourish PHP Unframework
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backbone.js & JSON

posted by wsgavin 7 years ago

Has anyone had experience using backbone.js with foulish? I've had to do the following to get JSON PUT requests to work.

Backbone.emulateJSON = true;

Because of this I had to change they way I grabbed JSON data on POSTS (was using php://input but now it's passed as a parameter). I'd like to support POST and PUT using php://input or have some helper method to consume the JSON submitted.

Of course I could just not understand how to do this w/flourish's current implementations. Or is there some PHP config that may be causing my issues?


Foulish!? That's funny...

posted by jmtucu 7 years ago

Urrr, not sure that's even a word. Sorry about that. Thoughts on the post?

posted by wsgavin 7 years ago

Sorry, I don't use BackBone.js but if you share the code and explain the problem maybe I can help with the classes of Flourish.

posted by jmtucu 7 years ago