Flourish PHP Unframework
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blank: display nothing

posted by arnezt 8 years ago

I've just try to install the fourish-demo but display nothing, i try to query in index.php and its display the result as below:

doc_root: /var/www/flourish-demo

In file init.php -> i change sqlite to mysql :

db = new fDatabase('mysql', 'flourish-demo', 'user', 'xxxxx');

file: index.php

$result = $db->query('describe meetups');
foreach ($result as $row) {
    echo '<pre>';print_r($row);echo '</pre>';

the result:

    [Field] => date
    [Type] => date
    [Null] => NO
    [Key] => PRI
    [Default] => 
    [Extra] => 
) ''---------cut----------''

so what's the problem? please forward for any suggestion. thank you.

Honestly, I've never tried to run the demo site with mysql, so I don't know if there are any bugs doing that.

That said, if you are getting a blank display, it is probably because you have display_errors ini setting turned off. Try turning it on, or checking your Apache log file for errors.

posted by wbond 8 years ago

@wbond: thank you for the reply. No error on apache log file, the problem is the mod_rewrite can not load the .htaccess. display_errors = On. I try to solve by typing: http://localhost/flourish-demo/index.php?type=html''. So how to solve it?

posted by arnezt 8 years ago

For Apache to load an .htaccess file, the setting Allowoverride All needs to be set in the apache conf file, inside of a <Directory> entry for the directory you want to allow .htaccess files inside of.

posted by wbond 8 years ago

@wbond: Great. Thank you very much.. it works.

posted by arnezt 8 years ago