Flourish PHP Unframework
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fEmail loadBody associate array

posted by darren 8 years ago


With the string replaces in the email template... how can i handle an associate array?

<input ... name="flavours[<?php echo $flavours['key']; ?>]" ... />

The flavours array might hold 20 elements that i need to push into the email template but am unsure how to handle this.



incase someone else finds them self in a similar situation...

{TPL_VAR} => http_build_query('FORM_ARRAY', '', "\\n");

Which will give you key=value pair each on a new line.

I did wrap it in a function as i needed to do some extra work on the array but should give you and idea.

posted by darren 8 years ago

Nice idea!

posted by wbond 8 years ago