Flourish PHP Unframework
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fValidation Inline Style

posted by dberry60 8 years ago

SOLVED :: I am an idiot, it's right there in the docs. I'll leave this up here though for anyone else like me who shamefully doesn't take the time to read through the excellent documentation.... Just add the CSS style to the end of the fMessaging::show()

I am sorry if this has already been answered. I did several searches, but came up with nothing, and admittedly my CSS skills are horrible.

Here is the PHP Side Code:

$errors        = $validator->validate(TRUE);
$inline_errors = fValidationException::removeFieldNames($errors);


// create the error message to show the user
fMessaging::create('error', fURL::get(), $e->getMessage());
// send the inline errors back
fMessaging::create('inline_errors', fURL::get(), $inline_errors);

That is all working great... I am getting individual errors like I am supposed to be... The problem is styling... I am getting them all with the class name ... class="inline_errorsfield_name_here"...

I don't want to style each indivdually. I wrappeed them in a span tag, but it for some reason adds an extra message.... How can I style those all the same without using individual css styles???

Thank you and sorry if I am not clear enough, just let me know what I need to be more clear on...

BTW, Will... AWESOME job...

Can you post the original HTML you were getting? Were you using fMessaging::show() to show the array? It sounds like there is a bug just in that I wouldn't ever expect you to get a class named with square brackets in it.

posted by wbond 8 years ago