Flourish PHP Unframework
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Stored Procedures and Views

posted by dragon 8 years ago

Does Flourish support reading results from Views or Stored Procedures? If so, how is that accomplished? If not, how can you execute a complex SQL statement that works on the database but can't be represented using Flourish SQL?

Yes Flourish does support reading from views, simply use SQL with fDatabase::query() and select what you want from your views. fActiveRecord does not support views because, well, it is an active record implementation and is largely built to support putting data into the database, and most views are not writable. If you are looking for object access to results from fDatabase, check out fResult::asObjects().

In terms of stored procedures, you'll just need to use the SQL syntax your database of choice has for invoking store procedures.

posted by wbond 8 years ago