Flourish PHP Unframework
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Difference between fHTML::encode() and fHTML::prepare()

posted by xdreamcoding 8 years ago


fHTML::encode() always escapes &, ", ', < and > as HTML entities. fHTML::prepare() takes semi-valid HTML and cleans up HTML tags and escapes the HTML special characters when they are not part of an HTML tag or entity.

fHTML::encode() should be used by default. fHTML::prepare() does not protect against cross-site scripting attacks and should only be used to "fix up" trusted content that contains HTML.

posted by wbond 8 years ago

Sorry but as non native english speaker and hobby coder i couldn't get much solution out of the documentation and you kinda just repeated the documentation...

sooo i played around a bit with those two functions and at the end its quite simple :D


will return


and at your website it will look like this:


however will return


you will see:

posted by xdreamcoding 8 years ago