Flourish PHP Unframework
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About the roadmap page and beta status

posted by aurelien 8 years ago

Hi !

Quote from the roadmap page :

There is no set date for the conclusion of the beta, however it is likely some point in late 2009. 

I think this should be deleted, as it may discourage new users from even trying flourish lib, thinking it is a dead project.

Why not create a "stable" branch, and a "development" branch. Even if this is not technically relevant, it may give more /strength/ to the main branch because it will be tagged "stable".

There is still the beta status to remind users this is not v1.0 yet.

I personally use flourish lib in production, and very happy with it ! =)

For now I've updated the Roadmap to include current information, thank you for the reminder.

In terms of making a stable branch, I may end up doing that, but I also have some plans to change how I do development, what my main version control system is, so if I make a stable branch, it will happen then.

posted by wbond 8 years ago