Flourish PHP Unframework
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Adding flourish via svn:externals

posted by riddla 8 years ago

Hi there.

I added flourish via the svn:externals property to one of my projects and subversion keeps asking for user/password, when someone initially checks out the project repo. I use 'flourish http://guest:guest@svn.flourishlib.com/trunk/classes/' for the externals property (same for 'flourish http://guest:guest@svn.flourishlib.com/trunk/').

Also 'svn ls http://guest:guest@svn.flourishlib.com/trunk/classes/' asks for credentials.

Any ideas?

With kind regards


The instructions on the Download page did work, you just had to specify the --username and --password flags for SVN. However, I found a way to allow password-less anonymous access, so you should not need anything any longer.

posted by wbond 8 years ago

Hi Will.

Thanks very much for the explanation of the flags and the new password-less access. Both work great :)



posted by riddla 8 years ago