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map class to table

posted by mungiu 8 years ago

i set this fORM::mapClassToTable('colectii', 'colectii');

but when i try $value->createColectii()->getTitlu() Uncaught exception 'fProgrammerException' with message 'The related table specified, colectiis, does not exist in the database'

The first character of your class name should be uppercase.

posted by wbond 8 years ago

why? this is not the role of mapping class to table to give any name. i think this is mandatory to do when want to get table being in a relationship beacuse if i want to get new colectii it's working.

posted by mungiu 8 years ago

The mapping gives you the proper response to colectii, but fActiveRecord isn't passing colectii, it is passing Colectii. This is because createColectii is parsed into create and Colectii and then getting the table for the Colectii class.

posted by wbond 8 years ago