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How to use I18N

posted by anonymous 8 years ago

There's an example using fText? I read the doc but I don't understand how to use. I want to create an app with several languages, Thanks!

Simple and dirty approach:

$translations = array(
    'en' => array(), // default language
    'de' => array(
        'Hello world!' => 'Hallo Welt!'
    'es' => array(
        'Hello world!' => 'Hola mundo!'

function translate($string) {
    global $translations;
     * e.g. url?language=es or url?language=de
     * language should be store in session or cookie
    $language = fRequest::getValid('language', array_keys($translations));
    return (isset($translations[$language][$string]))
        ? $translations[$language][$string]
        : $string;

fText::registerComposeCallback('pre', 'translate');

echo fText::compose('Hello world!');

In your layout/view file:

    <a href="url">English</a> |
    <a href="url?language=de">Deutsch</a> |
    <a href="url?language=es">Espaol</a>


posted by xoan 8 years ago

Thanks xoan! I'll try that source :)

posted by anonymous 8 years ago