Flourish PHP Unframework
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setUserAuthLevel not saving across session

posted by wes 8 years ago

Hi, I'm new to Flourish, but an experienced PHP dev... I understand the docs & code, and I created a basic login page based on the demo site. I'm using the basic auth, with only three levels (admin, user and guest). Upon login, I use setUserAuthLevel and setUserToken to save the auth level and their username as token, then redirect to the homepage. The token is saved and I can retrieve it using getUserToken but the auth level is not saved. Am I missing something??

Thanks, wes

If you expose the $_SESSION superglobal, do you see the auth level in there?

posted by wbond 8 years ago

hey Will,

Yes, I can see the auth level in $_SESSION and that got me thinking - turns out it was a file system (permissions) issue. I was switching between Windows (ugh) and Linux and forgot to configure something. I feel stupid, sorry for wasting your time. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction though!

Awesome library/framework btw - first one I've stuck with so far. I just posted a link to flourishlib.com on LinkedIn as well. Cheers.

posted by wes 8 years ago