Flourish PHP Unframework
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memcache delete function

posted by pat 8 years ago


memcached 1.4.5
php5-memcache 3.0.4

Attempting to call fCache->delete($key) throws a notice like this:

Notice: MemcachePool::delete() [memcachepool.delete]: Server localhost (tcp 11211, udp 0) failed with: CLIENT_ERROR bad command line format. Usage: delete <key> [noreply] (0) in .../flourish/fCache.php on line 246

This is a known bug that can be circumvented by providing 0 as the second parameter to Memcache::delete (see this thread) I had to modify your fCache class by changing the appropriate line in fCache->delete:

case 'memcache':
  $this->data_store->delete($key, 0);

This is fixed in r989

posted by wbond 8 years ago