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fActiveRecord Insert ID

posted by anonymous 8 years ago

Hi there In the class Node extends fActiveRecord I want to get the last insert id. How can I do that? Thanks!

	function save($node_id=null){
			//insert the new node
			$result = fRecordSet::buildFromSQL(
					"INSERT INTO nodes
							SET parent  =  $node_id"
		return $result->insert_id;

Well, fRecordSet only allows for selecting records so I doubt you will be able to use an INSERT statement and have it work.

If you use fActiveRecord to create a new record and save it, the auto-incrementing ID will automatically appear in the object.

$node = new Node();
$node_id = $node->getId();

The ->getId() method is an example assuming your column is named id. fActiveRecord does not care what the name of the column is, as long as the column is an auto-incrementing primary key, the generated value will appear in the record after a successful ->store() operation.

posted by wbond 8 years ago