Flourish PHP Unframework


static class, v1.0.0b20

Provides request-related methods

This class is implemented to use the UTF-8 character encoding. Please see http://flourishlib.com/docs/UTF-8 for more information.

Please also note that using this class in a PUT or DELETE request will cause the php://input stream to be consumed, and thus no longer available.

1.0.0b20Added isHead(), fixed ability to call set() on HEAD requests 11/23/11
1.0.0b19Added the $use_default_for_blank parameter to get() 6/3/11
1.0.0b18Backwards Compatibility Break - getBestAcceptType() and getBestAcceptLanguage() now return either NULL, FALSE or a string instead of NULL or a string, both methods are more robust in handling edge cases 2/6/11
1.0.0b17Fixed support for 3+ dimensional input arrays, added a fixed for the PHP DoS float bug #53632, added support for type-casted arrays in get() 1/9/11
1.0.0b16Backwards Compatibility Break - changed get() to remove binary characters when casting to a string, changed int and integer to cast to a real integer when possible, added new types of binary and integer! 11/30/10
1.0.0b15Added documentation about [sub-key] syntax, added [sub-key] support to check() 9/12/10
1.0.0b14Rewrote set() to not require recursion for array syntax 9/12/10
1.0.0b13Fixed set() to work with PUT requests 6/30/10
1.0.0b12Fixed a bug with getBestAcceptLanguage() returning the second-best language 5/27/10
1.0.0b11Added isAjax() 3/15/10
1.0.0b10Fixed get() to not truncate integers to the 32bit integer limit 3/5/10
1.0.0b9Updated class to use new fSession API 10/23/09
1.0.0b8Casting to an integer or string in get() now properly casts when the $key isn't present in the request, added support for date, time, timestamp and ? casts 8/25/09
1.0.0b7Fixed a bug with filter() not properly creating new $_FILES entries 7/2/09
1.0.0b6filter() now works with empty prefixes and filtering the $_FILES superglobal has been fixed 7/2/09
1.0.0b5Changed filter() so that it can be called multiple times for multi-level filtering 6/2/09
1.0.0b4Added the HTML escaping functions encode() and prepare() 5/27/09
1.0.0b3Updated class to use new fSession API 5/8/09
1.0.0b2Added generateCSRFToken() from fCRUDgenerateRequestToken() and validateCSRFToken() from fCRUD::validateRequestToken() 5/8/09
1.0.0bThe initial implementation 6/14/07

Static Methods

::check() public

Indicated if the parameter specified is set in the $_GET or $_POST superglobals or in the post data of a PUT or DELETE request


boolean check( string $key )


string $key The key to check - array elements can be checked via [sub-key] syntax


If the parameter is set

::encode() public

Gets a value from get() and passes it through fHTML::encode()


string encode( string $key, string $cast_to=NULL, mixed $default_value=NULL )


string $key The key to get the value of - array elements can be accessed via [sub-key] syntax
string $cast_to Cast the value to this data type
mixed $default_value If the parameter is not set in the DELETE/PUT post data, $_POST or $_GET, use this value instead


The encoded value

::filter() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Parses through $_FILES, $_GET, $_POST and the PUT/DELETE post data and filters out everything that doesn't match the prefix and key, also removes the prefix from the field name


void filter( string $prefix, mixed $key )


string $prefix The prefix to filter by
mixed $key If the field is an array, get the value corresponding to this key

::generateCSRFToken() public

Returns a request token that should be placed in each HTML form to prevent cross-site request forgery

This method will return a random 15 character string that should be placed in a hidden input element on every HTML form. When the form contents are being processed, the token should be retrieved and passed into validateCSRFToken().

The value returned by this method is stored in the session and then checked by the validate method, which helps prevent cross site request forgeries and (naive) automated form submissions.

Tokens generated by this method are single use, so a user must request the page that generates the token at least once per submission.


string generateCSRFToken( string $url=NULL )


string $url The URL to generate a token for, default to the current page


The token to be submitted with the form

::get() public

Gets a value from the DELETE/PUT post data, $_POST or $_GET superglobals (in that order)

A value that exactly equals '' and is not cast to a specific type will become NULL.

Valid $cast_to types include:

  • 'string'
  • 'binary'
  • 'int'
  • 'integer'
  • 'bool'
  • 'boolean'
  • 'array'
  • 'date'
  • 'time'
  • 'timestamp'

It is possible to append a ? to a data type to return NULL whenever the $key was not specified in the request, or if the value was a blank string.

The array and unspecified $cast_to types allow for multi-dimensional arrays of string data. It is possible to cast an input value as a single-dimensional array of a specific type by appending [] to the $cast_to.

All string, array or unspecified $cast_to will result in the value(s) being interpreted as UTF-8 string and appropriately cleaned of invalid byte sequences. Also, all low-byte, non-printable characters will be stripped from the value. This includes all bytes less than the value of 32 (Space) other than Tab (\t), Newline (\n) and Cariage Return (\r).

To preserve low-byte, non-printable characters, or get the raw value without cleaning invalid UTF-8 byte sequences, plase use the value of binary for the $cast_to parameter.

Any integers that are beyond the range of 32bit storage will be returned as a string. The returned value can be forced to always be a real integer, which may cause truncation of the value, by passing integer! as the $cast_to.


mixed get( string $key, string $cast_to=NULL, mixed $default_value=NULL, boolean $use_default_for_blank=FALSE )


string $key The key to get the value of - array elements can be accessed via [sub-key] syntax
string $cast_to Cast the value to this data type - see method description for details
mixed $default_value If the parameter is not set in the DELETE/PUT post data, $_POST or $_GET, use this value instead. This value will get cast if a $cast_to is specified.
boolean $use_default_for_blank If the request value is a blank string and $default_value is specified, this flag will cause the $default_value to be returned


The value

::getAcceptLanguages() public

Returns the HTTP Accept-Languages sorted by their q values (from high to low)


array getAcceptLanguages( )


An associative array of {language} => {q value} sorted (in a stable-fashion) from highest to lowest q - if no header was sent, an empty array will be returned

::getAcceptTypes() public

Returns the HTTP Accept types sorted by their q values (from high to low)


array getAcceptTypes( )


An associative array of {type} => {q value} sorted (in a stable-fashion) from highest to lowest q - if no header was sent, an empty array will be returned

::getBestAcceptLanguage() public

Returns the best HTTP Accept-Language (based on q value) - can be filtered to only allow certain languages

Special conditions affecting the return value:

  • If no $filter is provided and the client does not send the Accept-Language header, NULL will be returned
  • If no $filter is provided and the client specifies * with the highest q, NULL will be returned
  • If $filter contains one or more values, but the Accept-Language header does not match any, FALSE will be returned
  • If $filter contains one or more values, but the client does not send the Accept-Language header, the first entry from $filter will be returned
  • If $filter contains two or more values, and two of the values have the same q value, the one listed first in $filter will be returned


string|NULL|FALSE getBestAcceptLanguage( array $filter=array() )

string|NULL|FALSE getBestAcceptLanguage( string $language [, ... ] )


array $filter An array of languages that are valid to return - these should be in the form {language}-{territory}, e.g. en-us
string $language [, ... ] A language that is valid to return


The best language listed in the Accept-Language header - see method description for edge cases

::getBestAcceptType() public

Returns the best HTTP Accept type (based on q value) - can be filtered to only allow certain types

Special conditions affecting the return value:

  • If no $filter is provided and the client does not send the Accept header, NULL will be returned
  • If no $filter is provided and the client specifies */* with the highest q, NULL will be returned
  • If $filter contains one or more values, but the Accept header does not match any, FALSE will be returned
  • If $filter contains one or more values, but the client does not send the Accept header, the first entry from $filter will be returned
  • If $filter contains two or more values, and two of the values have the same q value, the one listed first in $filter will be returned


string|NULL|FALSE getBestAcceptType( array $filter=array() )

string|NULL|FALSE getBestAcceptType( string $type [, ... ] )


array $filter An array of types that are valid to return
string $type [, ... ] A type that is valid to return


The best type listed in the Accept header - see method description for edge cases

::getValid() public

Gets a value from the DELETE/PUT post data, $_POST or $_GET superglobals (in that order), restricting to a specific set of values


mixed getValid( string $key, array $valid_values )


string $key The key to get the value of - array elements can be accessed via [sub-key] syntax
array $valid_values The array of values that are permissible, if one is not selected, picks first


The value

::isAjax() public

Indicates if the URL was accessed via an XMLHttpRequest


boolean isAjax( )


If the URL was accessed via an XMLHttpRequest

::isDelete() public

Indicates if the URL was accessed via the DELETE HTTP method


boolean isDelete( )


If the URL was accessed via the DELETE HTTP method

::isGet() public

Indicates if the URL was accessed via the GET HTTP method


boolean isGet( )


If the URL was accessed via the GET HTTP method

::isHead() public

Indicates if the URL was accessed via the HEAD HTTP method


boolean isHead( )


If the URL was accessed via the HEAD HTTP method

::isPost() public

Indicates if the URL was accessed via the POST HTTP method


boolean isPost( )


If the URL was accessed via the POST HTTP method

::isPut() public

Indicates if the URL was accessed via the PUT HTTP method


boolean isPut( )


If the URL was accessed via the PUT HTTP method

::overrideAction() public

Overrides the value of 'action' in the DELETE/PUT post data, $_POST or $_GET superglobals based on the 'action::{action_name}' value

This method is primarily intended to be used for hanlding multiple submit buttons.


void overrideAction( string $redirect=NULL )


string $redirect The url to redirect to if the action is overriden. %action% will be replaced with the overridden action.

::prepare() public

Gets a value from get() and passes it through fHTML::prepare()


string prepare( string $key, string $cast_to=NULL, mixed $default_value=NULL )


string $key The key to get the value of - array elements can be accessed via [sub-key] syntax
string $cast_to Cast the value to this data type
mixed $default_value If the parameter is not set in the DELETE/PUT post data, $_POST or $_GET, use this value instead


The prepared value

::reset() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Resets the configuration and data of the class


void reset( )

::set() public

Sets a value into the appropriate $_GET or $_POST superglobal, or the local PUT/DELETE post data based on what HTTP method was used for the request


void set( string $key, mixed $value )


string $key The key to set the value to - array elements can be modified via [sub-key] syntax
mixed $value The value to set

::unfilter() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Returns $_GET, $_POST and $_FILES and the PUT/DELTE post data to the state they were at before filter() was called


void unfilter( )

::validateCSRFToken() public

Validates a request token generated by generateCSRFToken()

This method takes a request token and ensures it is valid, otherwise it will throw an fValidationException.


void validateCSRFToken( string $token, string $url=NULL )


string $token The request token to validate
string $url The URL to validate the token for, default to the current page


When the CSRF token specified is invalid