Flourish PHP Unframework


static class, v1.0.0b28

Dynamically handles many centralized object-relational mapping tasks

1.0.0b28Updated getColumnName() and getRecordName() to use fText if loaded 2/2/11
1.0.0b27Added links to the detailed documentation for the parameters passed to hooks 11/27/10
1.0.0b26Added getRelatedClass() for handling related classes in PHP 5.3 namespaces 11/17/10
1.0.0b25Added support for PHP 5.3 namespaced fActiveRecord classes 11/11/10
1.0.0b24Backwards Compatibility Break - Callbacks registered via registerRecordSetMethod() should now accept the $method_name in the position where the $pointer parameter used to be passed 9/28/10
1.0.0b23Added the 'pre::replicate()', 'post::replicate()' and 'cloned::replicate()' hooks 9/7/10
1.0.0b22Internal Backwards Compatibility Break - changed parseMethod() to not underscorize the subject of the method 8/6/10
1.0.0b21Fixed some documentation to reflect the API changes from v1.0.0b9 7/14/10
1.0.0b20Added the ability to register a wildcard active record method for all classes 4/22/10
1.0.0b19Added the method isClassMappedToTable() 3/30/10
1.0.0b18Added the post::loadFromIdentityMap() hook 3/14/10
1.0.0b17Changed enableSchemaCaching() to rely on fDatabaseclearCache() instead of explicitly calling fSQLTranslation::clearCache() 3/9/10
1.0.0b16Backwards Compatibility Break - renamed addCustomClassToTableMapping() to mapClassToTable(). Added getDatabaseName() and mapClassToDatabase(). Updated code for new fORMDatabase and fORMSchema APIs 10/28/09
1.0.0b15Added support for fActiveRecord to getRecordName() 10/6/09
1.0.0b14Updated documentation for registerActiveRecordMethod() to include info about prefix method matches 8/7/09
1.0.0b13Updated documentation for registerRecordSetMethod() 7/14/09
1.0.0b12Updated callReflectCallbacks() to accept a class name instead of an object 7/13/09
1.0.0b11Added registerInspectCallback() and callInspectCallbacks() 7/13/09
1.0.0b10Fixed a bug with objectify() caching during NULL date/time/timestamp values and breaking further objectification 6/18/09
1.0.0b9Added caching for performance and changed some method APIs to only allow class names instead of instances 6/15/09
1.0.0b8Updated documentation to reflect removal of $associate parameter for callbacks passed to registerRecordSetMethod() 6/2/09
1.0.0b7Added enableSchemaCaching() to replace fORMSchema::enableSmartCaching() 5/4/09
1.0.0b6Added the ability to pass a class instance to addCustomClassTableMapping() 2/23/09
1.0.0b5Backwards compatibility break - renamed addCustomTableClassMapping() to addCustomClassTableMapping() and swapped the parameters 1/26/09
1.0.0b4Fixed a bug with retrieving fActiveRecord methods registered for all classes 1/14/09
1.0.0b3Fixed a static method callback constant 12/17/08
1.0.0b2Added replicate() and registerReplicateCallback() for fActiveRecord::replicate() 12/12/08
1.0.0bThe initial implementation 8/4/07

Static Methods

::callHookCallbacks() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Calls the hook callbacks for the class and hook specified


void callHookCallbacks( fActiveRecord $object, string $hook, array &$values, array &$old_values, array &$related_records, array &$cache, mixed &$parameter=NULL )


fActiveRecord $object The instance of the class to call the hook for
string $hook The hook to call
array &$values The current values of the record
array &$old_values The old values of the record
array &$related_records Records related to the current record
array &$cache The cache array of the record
mixed &$parameter The parameter to send the callback

::callInspectCallbacks() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Calls all inspect callbacks for the class and column specified


void callInspectCallbacks( string $class, string $column, array &$metadata )


string $class The class to inspect the column of
string $column The column to inspect
array &$metadata The associative array of data about the column

::callReflectCallbacks() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Calls all reflect callbacks for the class passed


void callReflectCallbacks( string $class, array &$signatures, boolean $include_doc_comments )


string $class The class to call the callbacks for
array &$signatures The associative array of {method_name} => {signature}
boolean $include_doc_comments If the doc comments should be included in the signature

::checkHookCallback() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Checks to see if any (or a specific) callback has been registered for a specific hook


boolean checkHookCallback( string $class, string $hook, array $callback=NULL )


string $class The name of the class
string $hook The hook to check
array $callback The specific callback to check for


If the specified callback exists

::classize() public

Takes a table and turns it into a class name - uses custom mapping if set


string classize( string $table )


string $table The table name


The class name

::defineActiveRecordClass() public

Will dynamically create an fActiveRecord-based class for a database table

Normally this would be called from an __autoload() function.

This method will only create classes for tables in the default ORM database.


void defineActiveRecordClass( string $class )


string $class The name of the class to create

::enableSchemaCaching() public

Enables caching on the fDatabase, fSQLTranslation and fSchema objects used for the ORM

This method will cache database schema information to the three objects that use it during normal ORM operation: fDatabase, fSQLTranslation and fSchema. To allow for schema changes without having to manually clear the cache, all cached information will be cleared if any fUnexpectedException objects are thrown.

This method should be called right after fORMDatabase::attach().


void enableSchemaCaching( fCache $cache, string $database_name='default', string $key_token=NULL )


fCache $cache The object to cache schema information to
string $database_name The database to enable caching for
string $key_token This is a token that is used in cache keys to prevent conflicts for server-wide caches - when non-NULL the document root is used

::getActiveRecordMethod() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Returns a matching callback for the class and method specified

The callback returned will be determined by the following logic:

1. If an exact callback has been defined for the method, it will be returned 2. If a callback in the form {prefix}* has been defined that matches the method, it will be returned 3. NULL will be returned


string|null getActiveRecordMethod( string $class, string $method )


string $class The name of the class
string $method The method to get the callback for


The callback for the method or NULL if none exists - see method description for details

::getClass() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Takes a class name or class and returns the class name


string getClass( mixed $class )


mixed $class The object to get the name of, or possibly a string already containing the class


The class name

::getColumnName() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Returns the column name

The default column name is the result of calling fGrammar::humanize() on the column.


string getColumnName( string $class, string $column )


string $class The class name the column is part of
string $column The database column


The column name for the column specified

::getDatabaseName() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Returns the name for the database used by the class specified


string getDatabaseName( string $class )


string $class The class name to get the database name for


The name of the database to use

::getRecordName() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Returns the record name for a class

The default record name is the result of calling fGrammar::humanize() on the class.


string getRecordName( string $class )


string $class The class name to get the record name of


The record name for the class specified

::getRecordSetMethod() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Returns a matching callback for the method specified

The callback returned will be determined by the following logic:

1. If an exact callback has been defined for the method, it will be returned 2. If a callback in the form {action}* has been defined that matches the method, it will be returned 3. NULL will be returned


string|null getRecordSetMethod( string $method )


string $method The method to get the callback for


The callback for the method or NULL if none exists - see method description for details

::getRelatedClass() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Takes a class name and related class name and ensures the related class has the appropriate namespace prefix


string getRelatedClass( string $class, string $related_class )


string $class The primary class
string $related_class The related class name


The related class name, with the appropriate namespace prefix

::isClassMappedToTable() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Checks if a class has been mapped to a table


boolean isClassMappedToTable( mixed $class )


mixed $class The name of the class


If the class has been mapped to a table

::mapClassToDatabase() public

Sets a class to use a database other than the "default"

Multiple database objects can be attached for the ORM by passing a unique $name to the attach() method.


void mapClassToDatabase( mixed $class, string $database_name )


mixed $class The name of the class, or an instance of it
string $database_name The name given to the database when passed to attach()

::mapClassToTable() public

Allows non-standard class to table mapping

By default, all database tables are assumed to be plural nouns in underscore_notation and all class names are assumed to be singular nouns in UpperCamelCase. This method allows arbitrary class to table mapping.


void mapClassToTable( mixed $class, string $table )


mixed $class The name of the class, or an instance of it
string $table The name of the database table

::objectify() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Takes a scalar value and turns it into an object if applicable


mixed objectify( string $class, string $column, mixed $value )


string $class The class name of the class the column is part of
string $column The database column
mixed $value The value to possibly objectify


The scalar or object version of the value, depending on the column type and column options

::overrideColumnName() public

Allows overriding of default column names

By default a column name is the result of fGrammar::humanize() called on the column.


void overrideColumnName( mixed $class, string $column, string $column_name )


mixed $class The class name or instance of the class the column is located in
string $column The database column
string $column_name The name for the column

::overrideRecordName() public

Allows overriding of default record names

By default a record name is the result of fGrammar::humanize() called on the class.


void overrideRecordName( mixed $class, string $record_name )


mixed $class The class name or instance of the class to override the name of
string $record_name The human version of the record

::parseMethod() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Parses a camelCase method name for an action and subject in the form actionSubject()


array parseMethod( string $method )


string $method The method name to parse


An array of 0 => {action}, 1 => {subject}

::registerActiveRecordMethod() public

Registers a callback for an fActiveRecord method that falls through to fActiveRecord::__call() or hits a predefined method hook

The callback should accept the following parameters:

  • $object: The fActiveRecord instance
  • &$values: The values array for the record
  • &$old_values: The old values array for the record
  • &$related_records: The related records array for the record
  • &$cache: The cache array for the record
  • $method_name: The method that was called
  • &$parameters: The parameters passed to the method


void registerActiveRecordMethod( mixed $class, string $method, callback $callback )


mixed $class The class name or instance of the class to register for, '*' will register for all classes
string $method The method to hook for - this can be a complete method name or {prefix}* where * will match any column name
callback $callback The callback to execute - see method description for parameter list

::registerHookCallback() public

Registers a callback for one of the various fActiveRecord hooks - multiple callbacks can be registered for each hook

The method signature should include the follow parameters:

  • $object: The fActiveRecord instance
  • &$values: The values array for the record - see the $values documentation for details
  • &$old_values: The old values array for the record - see the $old_values documentation for details
  • &$related_records: The related records array for the record - see the $related_records documentation for details
  • &$cache: The cache array for the record - see the $cache documentation for details

The 'pre::validate()' and 'post::validate()' hooks have an extra parameter:

The 'pre::replicate()', 'post::replicate()' and 'cloned::replicate()' hooks have an extra parameter:

  • $replication_level: An integer representing the level of recursion - the object being replicated will be 0, children will be 1, grandchildren 2 and so on.

Below is a list of all valid hooks:

  • 'post::__construct()'
  • 'pre::delete()'
  • 'post-begin::delete()'
  • 'pre-commit::delete()'
  • 'post-commit::delete()'
  • 'post-rollback::delete()'
  • 'post::delete()'
  • 'post::loadFromIdentityMap()'
  • 'post::loadFromResult()'
  • 'pre::populate()'
  • 'post::populate()'
  • 'pre::replicate()'
  • 'post::replicate()'
  • 'cloned::replicate()'
  • 'pre::store()'
  • 'post-begin::store()'
  • 'post-validate::store()'
  • 'pre-commit::store()'
  • 'post-commit::store()'
  • 'post-rollback::store()'
  • 'post::store()'
  • 'pre::validate()'
  • 'post::validate()'


void registerHookCallback( mixed $class, string $hook, callback $callback )


mixed $class The class name or instance of the class to hook, '*' will hook all classes
string $hook The hook to register for
callback $callback The callback to register - see the method description for details about the method signature

::registerInspectCallback() public

Registers a callback to modify the results of fActiveRecord::inspect() methods


void registerInspectCallback( mixed $class, string $column, callback $callback )


mixed $class The class name or instance of the class to register for
string $column The column to register for
callback $callback The callback to register. Callback should accept a single parameter by reference, an associative array of the various metadata about a column.

::registerObjectifyCallback() public

Registers a callback for when objectify() is called on a specific column


void registerObjectifyCallback( mixed $class, string $column, callback $callback )


mixed $class The class name or instance of the class to register for
string $column The column to register for
callback $callback The callback to register. Callback should accept a single parameter, the value to objectify and should return the objectified value.

::registerRecordSetMethod() public

Registers a callback for an fRecordSet method that fall through to fRecordSet::__call()

The callback should accept the following parameters:

  • $object: The actual record set
  • $class: The class of each record
  • &$records: The ordered array of fActiveRecord objects
  • $method_name: The method name that was called
  • $parameters: Any parameters passed to the method


void registerRecordSetMethod( string $method, callback $callback )


string $method The method to hook for
callback $callback The callback to execute - see method description for parameter list

::registerReflectCallback() public

Registers a callback to modify the results of fActiveRecord::reflect()

Callbacks registered here can override default method signatures and add method signatures, however any methods that are defined in the actual class will override these signatures.

The callback should accept three parameters:

  • $class: the class name
  • &$signatures: an associative array of {method_name} => {signature}
  • $include_doc_comments: a boolean indicating if the signature should include the doc comment for the method, or just the signature


void registerReflectCallback( mixed $class, callback $callback )


mixed $class The class name or instance of the class to register for, '*' will register for all classes
callback $callback The callback to register. Callback should accept a three parameters - see method description for details.

::registerReplicateCallback() public

Registers a callback for when a value is replicated for a specific column


void registerReplicateCallback( mixed $class, string $column, callback $callback )


mixed $class The class name or instance of the class to register for
string $column The column to register for
callback $callback The callback to register. Callback should accept a single parameter, the value to replicate and should return the replicated value.

::registerScalarizeCallback() public

Registers a callback for when scalarize() is called on a specific column


void registerScalarizeCallback( mixed $class, string $column, callback $callback )


mixed $class The class name or instance of the class to register for
string $column The column to register for
callback $callback The callback to register. Callback should accept a single parameter, the value to scalarize and should return the scalarized value.

::replicate() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Takes and value and returns a copy is scalar or a clone if an object

The registerReplicateCallback() allows for custom replication code


mixed replicate( string $class, string $column, mixed $value )


string $class The class the column is part of
string $column The database column
mixed $value The value to copy/clone


The copied/cloned value

::reset() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Resets the configuration of the class


void reset( )

::scalarize() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

If the value passed is an object, calls __toString() on it


mixed scalarize( mixed $class, string $column, mixed $value )


mixed $class The class name or instance of the class the column is part of
string $column The database column
mixed $value The value to get the scalar value of


The scalar value of the value

::tablize() public

Takes a class name (or class) and turns it into a table name - Uses custom mapping if set


string tablize( string $class )


string $class The class name


The table name