Flourish PHP Unframework


class, v1.0.0b30

Allows creating and sending a single email containing plaintext, HTML, attachments and S/MIME encryption

Please note that this class uses the mail() function by default. Developers that are sending multiple emails, or need SMTP support, should use fSMTP with this class.

This class is implemented to use the UTF-8 character encoding. Please see http://flourishlib.com/docs/UTF-8 for more information.

1.0.0b30Changed methods to return instance for method chaining 9/12/11
1.0.0b29Changed combineNameEmail() to be a static method and to be exposed publicly for use by other classes 7/26/11
1.0.0b28Fixed addAttachment() and addRelatedFile() to properly handle duplicate filenames 5/17/11
1.0.0b27Fixed a bug with generating FQDNs on some Windows machines 2/24/11
1.0.0b26Added addCustomerHeader() 2/2/11
1.0.0b25Fixed a bug with finding the FQDN on non-Windows machines 1/19/11
1.0.0b24Backwards Compatibility Break - the $contents parameter of addAttachment() is now first instead of third, addAttachment() will now accept fFile objects for the $contents parameter, added addRelatedFile() 12/1/10
1.0.0b23Fixed a bug on Windows where emails starting with a . would have the . removed 9/11/10
1.0.0b22Revamped the FQDN code and added getFQDN() 9/7/10
1.0.0b21Added a check to prevent permissions warnings when getting the FQDN on Windows machines 9/2/10
1.0.0b20Fixed send() to only remove the name of a recipient when dealing with the mail() function on Windows and to leave it when using fSMTP 6/22/10
1.0.0b19Changed send() to return the message id for the email, fixed the email regexes to require [] around IPs 5/5/10
1.0.0b18Fixed the name of the static method unindentExpand() 4/28/10
1.0.0b17Added the static method unindentExpand() 4/26/10
1.0.0b16Added support for sending emails via fSMTP 4/20/10
1.0.0b15Added the $unindent_expand_constants parameter to setBody(), added loadBody() and loadHTMLBody(), fixed HTML emails with attachments 3/14/10
1.0.0b14Changed send() to not double .s at the beginning of lines on Windows since it seemed to break things rather than fix them 3/5/10
1.0.0b13Fixed the class to work when safe mode is turned on 10/23/09
1.0.0b12Removed duplicate MIME-Version headers that were being included in S/MIME encrypted emails 10/5/09
1.0.0b11Updated to use the new fValidationException API 9/17/09
1.0.0b10Fixed a bug with sending both an HTML and a plaintext body 6/18/09
1.0.0b9Fixed a bug where the MIME headers were not being set for all emails 6/12/09
1.0.0b8Added the method clearRecipients() 5/29/09
1.0.0b7Email names with UTF-8 characters are now properly encoded 5/8/09
1.0.0b6Fixed a bug where <> quoted email addresses in validation messages were not showing 3/27/09
1.0.0b5Updated for new fCore API 2/16/09
1.0.0b4The recipient error message in validate() no longer contains a typo 2/9/09
1.0.0b3Fixed a bug with missing content in the fValidationException thrown by validate() 1/14/09
1.0.0b2Fixed a few bugs with sending S/MIME encrypted/signed emails 1/10/09
1.0.0bThe initial implementation 6/23/08



A regular expression to match an email address, exluding those with comments and folding whitespace

The matches will be:

  • [0]: The whole email address
  • [1]: The name before the @
  • [2]: The domain/ip after the @


A regular expression to match a name <email> string, exluding those with comments and folding whitespace

The matches will be:

  • [0]: The whole name and email address
  • [1]: The name
  • [2]: The whole email address
  • [3]: The email username before the @
  • [4]: The email domain/ip after the @

Static Methods

::combineNameEmail() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Turns a name and email into a "name" <email> string, or just email if no name is provided

This method will remove newline characters from the name and email, and will remove any backslash (\) and double quote (") characters from the name.


string combineNameEmail( string $name, string $email )


string $name The name associated with the email address
string $email The email address


The '"name" <email>' or 'email' string

::compose() protected

Composes text using fText if loaded


string compose( string $message, mixed $component [, ... ] )


string $message The message to compose
mixed $component [, ... ] A string or number to insert into the message


The composed and possible translated message

::fixQmail() public

Sets the class to try and fix broken qmail implementations that add \r to \r\n

Before trying to fix qmail with this method, please try using fSMTP to connect to localhost and pass the fSMTP object to send().


void fixQmail( )

::getFQDN() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Returns the fully-qualified domain name of the server


string getFQDN( )


The fully-qualified domain name of the server

::reset() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Resets the configuration of the class


void reset( )

::stringlike() protected

Returns TRUE for non-empty strings, numbers, objects, empty numbers and string-like numbers (such as 0, 0.0, '0')


boolean stringlike( mixed $value )


mixed $value The value to check


If the value is string-like

::unindentExpand() public

Takes a block of text, unindents it and replaces {CONSTANT} tokens with the constant's value


string unindentExpand( string $text )


string $text The text to unindent and replace constants in


The unindented text


->__construct() public

Initializes fEmail for creating message ids


fEmail __construct( )

->__get() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

All requests that hit this method should be requests for callbacks


callback __get( string $method )


string $method The method to create a callback for


The callback for the method requested

->addAttachment() public

Adds an attachment to the email

If a duplicate filename is detected, it will be changed to be unique.


fEmail addAttachment( string|fFile $contents, string $filename=NULL, string $mime_type=NULL )


string|fFile $contents The contents of the file
string $filename The name to give the attachement - optional if $contents is an fFile object
string $mime_type The mime type of the file - this allows overriding the mime type of the file if incorrectly detected


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->addBCCRecipient() public

Adds a blind carbon copy (BCC) email recipient


fEmail addBCCRecipient( string $email, string $name=NULL )


string $email The email address to BCC
string $name The recipient's name


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->addCCRecipient() public

Adds a carbon copy (CC) email recipient


fEmail addCCRecipient( string $email, string $name=NULL )


string $email The email address to BCC
string $name The recipient's name


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->addCustomHeader() public

Allows adding a custom header to the email

If the method is called multiple times with the same name, the last value will be used.

Please note that this class will properly format the header, including adding the : between the name and value and wrapping values that are too long for a single line.


fEmail addCustomHeader( string $name, string $value )

fEmail addCustomHeader( array $headers )


string $name The name of the header
string $value The value of the header
array $headers An associative array of {name} => {value}


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->addRecipient() public

Adds an email recipient


fEmail addRecipient( string $email, string $name=NULL )


string $email The email address to send to
string $name The recipient's name


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->addRelatedFile() public

Adds a “related” file to the email, returning the Content-ID for use in HTML

The purpose of a related file is to be able to reference it in part of the HTML body. Image src URLs can reference a related file by starting the URL with cid: and then inserting the Content-ID.

If a duplicate filename is detected, it will be changed to be unique.


string addRelatedFile( string|fFile $contents, string $filename=NULL, string $mime_type=NULL )


string|fFile $contents The contents of the file
string $filename The name to give the attachement - optional if $contents is an fFile object
string $mime_type The mime type of the file - this allows overriding the mime type of the file if incorrectly detected


The fully-formed cid: URL for use in HTML src attributes

->clearRecipients() public

Removes all To, CC and BCC recipients from the email


fEmail clearRecipients( )


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->encrypt() public

Sets the email to be encrypted with S/MIME


fEmail encrypt( string $recipients_smime_cert_file )


string $recipients_smime_cert_file The file path to the PEM-encoded S/MIME certificate for the recipient


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->loadBody() public

Loads the plaintext version of the email body from a file and applies replacements

The should contain either ASCII or UTF-8 encoded text. Please see http://flourishlib.com/docs/UTF-8 for more information.


fEmail loadBody( string|fFile $file, array $replacements=array() )


string|fFile $file The plaintext version of the email body
array $replacements The method will search the contents of the file for each key and replace it with the corresponding value


The email object, to allow for method chaining


When no file was specified, the file does not exist or the path specified is not a file

->loadHTMLBody() public

Loads the plaintext version of the email body from a file and applies replacements

The should contain either ASCII or UTF-8 encoded text. Please see http://flourishlib.com/docs/UTF-8 for more information.


fEmail loadHTMLBody( string|fFile $file, array $replacements=array() )


string|fFile $file The plaintext version of the email body
array $replacements The method will search the contents of the file for each key and replace it with the corresponding value


The email object, to allow for method chaining


When no file was specified, the file does not exist or the path specified is not a file

->send() public

Sends the email

The return value is the message id, which should be included as the Message-ID header of the email. While almost all SMTP servers will not modify this value, testing has indicated at least one (smtp.live.com for Windows Live Mail) does.


string send( fSMTP $connection=NULL )


fSMTP $connection The SMTP connection to send the message over


The message id for the message - see method description for details


When validate() throws an exception

->setBody() public

Sets the plaintext version of the email body

This method accepts either ASCII or UTF-8 encoded text. Please see http://flourishlib.com/docs/UTF-8 for more information.


fEmail setBody( string $plaintext, boolean $unindent_expand_constants=FALSE )


string $plaintext The plaintext version of the email body
boolean $unindent_expand_constants If this is TRUE, the body will be unindented as much as possible and {CONSTANT_NAME} will be replaced with the value of the constant


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->setBounceToEmail() public

Adds the email address the email will be bounced to

This email address will be set to the Return-Path header.


fEmail setBounceToEmail( string $email )


string $email The email address to bounce to


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->setFromEmail() public

Adds the From: email address to the email


fEmail setFromEmail( string $email, string $name=NULL )


string $email The email address being sent from
string $name The from email user's name - unfortunately on windows this is ignored


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->setHTMLBody() public

Sets the HTML version of the email body

This method accepts either ASCII or UTF-8 encoded text. Please see http://flourishlib.com/docs/UTF-8 for more information.


fEmail setHTMLBody( string $html )


string $html The HTML version of the email body


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->setReplyToEmail() public

Adds the Reply-To: email address to the email


fEmail setReplyToEmail( string $email, string $name=NULL )


string $email The email address to reply to
string $name The reply-to email user's name


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->setSenderEmail() public

Adds the Sender: email address to the email

The Sender: header is used to indicate someone other than the From: address is actually submitting the message to the network.


fEmail setSenderEmail( string $email, string $name=NULL )


string $email The email address the message is actually being sent from
string $name The sender email user's name


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->setSubject() public

Sets the subject of the email

This method accepts either ASCII or UTF-8 encoded text. Please see http://flourishlib.com/docs/UTF-8 for more information.


fEmail setSubject( string $subject )


string $subject The subject of the email


The email object, to allow for method chaining

->sign() public

Sets the email to be signed with S/MIME


fEmail sign( string $senders_smime_cert_file, string $senders_smime_pk_file, string $senders_smime_pk_password )


string $senders_smime_cert_file The file path to the sender's PEM-encoded S/MIME certificate
string $senders_smime_pk_file The file path to the sender's S/MIME private key
string $senders_smime_pk_password The password for the sender's S/MIME private key


The email object, to allow for method chaining