Flourish PHP Unframework


class, v1.0.0b41

Provides a common API for different databases - will automatically use any installed extension

This class is implemented to use the UTF-8 character encoding. Please see http://flourishlib.com/docs/UTF-8 for more information.

The following databases are supported:

The class will automatically use the first of the following extensions it finds:

The odbc and pdo_odbc extensions are not supported due to character encoding and stability issues on Windows, and functionality on non-Windows operating systems.

1.0.0b41Fixed an array to string conversion notice 9/21/12
1.0.0b40Fixed a bug with notices being triggered when failing to connect to a SQLite database 6/20/11
1.0.0b39Fixed a bug with detecting some MySQL database version numbers 5/24/11
1.0.0b38Backwards Compatibility Break - callbacks registered to the extracted hook via registerHookCallback() no longer receive the $strings parameter, instead all strings are added into the $values parameter - added getVersion(), fixed a bug with SQLite messaging, fixed a bug with __destruct(), improved handling of transactional queries, added close(), enhanced class to throw four different exceptions for different connection errors, silenced PHP warnings upon connection error 5/9/11
1.0.0b37Fixed usage of the mysqli extension to only call mysqli_set_charset() if it exists 3/4/11
1.0.0b36Updated escape() and methods that use escape() to handle float values that don't contain a digit before or after the . 2/1/11
1.0.0b35Updated the class to replace LIMIT and OFFSET value placeholders in the SQL with their values before translating since most databases that translate LIMIT statements need to move or add values together 1/11/11
1.0.0b34Fixed a bug with creating translated prepared statements 1/9/11
1.0.0b33Added code to explicitly set the connection encoding for the mysql and mysqli extensions since some PHP installs don't see to fully respect SET NAMES 12/6/10
1.0.0b32Fixed handling auto-incrementing values for Oracle when the trigger was on INSERT OR UPDATE instead of just INSERT 12/4/10
1.0.0b31Fixed handling auto-incrementing values for MySQL when the INTO keyword is left out of an INSERT statement 11/4/10
1.0.0b30Fixed the pgsql, mssql and mysql extensions to force a new connection instead of reusing an existing one 8/17/10
1.0.0b29Backwards Compatibility Break - removed enableSlowQueryWarnings(), added ability to replicate via registerHookCallback() 8/10/10
1.0.0b28Backwards Compatibility Break - removed ODBC support. Added support for the pdo_ibm extension. 7/31/10
1.0.0b27Fixed a bug with running multiple copies of a SQL statement with string values through a single translatedQuery() call 7/14/10
1.0.0b26Updated the class to use new fCore functionality 7/5/10
1.0.0b25Added IBM DB2 support 4/13/10
1.0.0b24Fixed an auto-incrementing transaction bug with Oracle and debugging issues with all databases 3/17/10
1.0.0b23Resolved another bug with capturing auto-incrementing values for PostgreSQL and Oracle 3/15/10
1.0.0b22Changed clearCache() to also clear the cache on the fSQLTranslation 3/9/10
1.0.0b21Added execute() for result-less SQL queries, prepare() and translatedPrepare() to create fStatement objects for prepared statements, support for prepared statements in query() and unbufferedQuery(), fixed default caching key for enableCaching() 3/2/10
1.0.0b20Added a parameter to enableCaching() to provide a key token that will allow cached values to be shared between multiple databases with the same schema 10/28/09
1.0.0b19Added support for escaping identifiers (column and table names) to escape(), added support for database schemas, rewrote internal SQL string spliting 10/22/09
1.0.0b18Updated the class for the new fResult and fUnbufferedResult APIs, fixed unescape() to not touch NULLs 8/12/09
1.0.0b17Added the ability to pass an array of all values as a single parameter to escape() instead of one value per parameter 8/11/09
1.0.0b16Fixed PostgreSQL and Oracle from trying to get auto-incrementing values on inserts when explicit values were given 8/6/09
1.0.0b15Fixed a bug where auto-incremented values would not be detected when table names were quoted 7/15/09
1.0.0b14Changed determineExtension() and determineCharacterSet() to be protected instead of private 7/8/09
1.0.0b13Updated escape() to accept arrays of values for insertion into full SQL strings 7/6/09
1.0.0b12Updates to unescape() to improve performance 6/15/09
1.0.0b11Changed replacement values in preg_replace() calls to be properly escaped 6/11/09
1.0.0b10Changed date/time/timestamp escaping from strtotime() to fDate/fTime/fTimestamp for better localization support 6/1/09
1.0.0b9Fixed a bug with escape() where floats that start with a . were encoded as NULL 5/9/09
1.0.0b8Added Oracle support, change PostgreSQL code to no longer cause lastval() warnings, added support for arrays of values to escape() 5/3/09
1.0.0b7Updated for new fCore API 2/16/09
1.0.0b6Fixed a bug with executing transaction queries when using the mysqli extension 2/12/09
1.0.0b5Changed @ error suppression operator to error_reporting() calls 1/26/09
1.0.0b4Added a few error suppression operators back in so that developers don't get errors and exceptions 1/14/09
1.0.0b3Removed some unnecessary error suppresion operators 12/11/08
1.0.0b2Fixed a bug with PostgreSQL when using the PDO extension and executing an INSERT statement 12/11/08
1.0.0bThe initial implementation 9/25/07


->extension protected

The extension to use for the database specified

Options include:

  • 'ibm_db2'
  • 'mssql'
  • 'mysql'
  • 'mysqli'
  • 'oci8'
  • 'pgsql'
  • 'sqlite'
  • 'sqlsrv'
  • 'pdo'



->schema_info protected

A cache of database-specific code



Static Methods

::compose() protected

Composes text using fText if loaded


string compose( string $message, mixed $component [, ... ] )


string $message The message to compose
mixed $component [, ... ] A string or number to insert into the message


The composed and possible translated message


->__construct() public

Configures the connection to a database - connection is not made until the first query is executed

Passing NULL to any parameter other than $type and $database will cause the default value to be used.


fDatabase __construct( string $type, string $database, string $username=NULL, string $password=NULL, string $host=NULL, integer $port=NULL, integer $timeout=NULL )


string $type The type of the database: 'db2', 'mssql', 'mysql', 'oracle', 'postgresql', 'sqlite'
string $database Name of the database. If SQLite the path to the database file.
string $username Database username - not used for SQLite
string $password The password for the username specified - not used for SQLite
string $host Database server host or IP, defaults to localhost - not used for SQLite. MySQL socket connection can be made by entering 'sock:' followed by the socket path. PostgreSQL socket connection can be made by passing just 'sock:'.
integer $port The port to connect to, defaults to the standard port for the database type specified - not used for SQLite
integer $timeout The number of seconds to timeout after if a connection can not be made - not used for SQLite

->__destruct() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Closes the open database connection


void __destruct( )

->__get() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

All requests that hit this method should be requests for callbacks


callback __get( string $method )


string $method The method to create a callback for


The callback for the method requested

->clearCache() public

Clears all of the schema info out of the object and, if set, the fCache object


void clearCache( )

->close() public

Closes the database connection


void close( )

->connect() public

Connects to the database specified, if no connection exists

This method is only intended to force a connection, all operations that require a database connection will automatically call this method.


void connect( )


When the username and password are not accepted

->determineCharacterSet() protected

Determines the character set of a SQL Server database


void determineCharacterSet( )

->determineExtension() protected

Figures out which extension to use for the database type selected


void determineExtension( )

->enableCaching() public

Sets the schema info to be cached to the fCache object specified


void enableCaching( fCache $cache, string $key_token=NULL )


fCache $cache The cache to cache to
string $key_token Internal use only! (this will be used in the cache key to uniquely identify the cache for this fDatabase object)

->enableDebugging() public

Sets if debug messages should be shown


void enableDebugging( boolean $flag )


boolean $flag If debugging messages should be shown

->escape() public

Escapes a value for insertion into SQL

The valid data types are:

  • 'blob'
  • 'boolean'
  • 'date'
  • 'float'
  • 'identifier'
  • 'integer'
  • 'string' (also varchar, char or text)
  • 'varchar'
  • 'char'
  • 'text'
  • 'time'
  • 'timestamp'

In addition to being able to specify the data type, you can also pass in an SQL statement with data type placeholders in the following form:

  • %l for a blob
  • %b for a boolean
  • %d for a date
  • %f for a float
  • %r for an indentifier (table or column name)
  • %i for an integer
  • %s for a string
  • %t for a time
  • %p for a timestamp

Depending on what $sql_or_type and $value are, the output will be slightly different. If $sql_or_type is a data type or a single placeholder and $value is:

  • a scalar value - an escaped SQL string is returned
  • an array - an array of escaped SQL strings is returned

If $sql_or_type is a SQL string and $value is:

  • a scalar value - the escaped value is inserted into the SQL string
  • an array - the escaped values are inserted into the SQL string separated by commas

If $sql_or_type is a SQL string, it is also possible to pass an array of all values as a single parameter instead of one value per parameter. An example would look like the following:

    "SELECT * FROM users WHERE status = %s AND authorization_level = %s",
    array('Active', 'Admin')


mixed escape( string $sql_or_type, mixed $value [, ... ] )


string $sql_or_type This can either be the data type to escape or an SQL string with a data type placeholder - see method description
mixed $value [, ... ] The value to escape - both single values and arrays of values are supported, see method description for details


The escaped value/SQL or an array of the escaped values

->execute() public

Executes one or more SQL queries without returning any results


void execute( string|fStatement $statement, mixed $value [, ... ] )


string|fStatement $statement One or more SQL statements in a string or an fStatement prepared statement
mixed $value [, ... ] The optional value(s) to place into any placeholders in the SQL - see escape() for details

->getConnection() public

Returns the database connection resource or object


mixed getConnection( )


The database connection

->getDatabase() public

Gets the name of the database currently connected to


string getDatabase( )


The name of the database currently connected to

->getExtension() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Gets the php extension being used


string getExtension( )


The php extension used for database interaction

->getHost() public

Gets the host for this database


string getHost( )


The host

->getPort() public

Gets the port for this database


string getPort( )


The port

->getSQLTranslation() public

Gets the fSQLTranslation object used for translated queries


fSQLTranslation getSQLTranslation( )


The SQL translation object

->getType() public

Gets the database type


string getType( )


The database type: 'mssql', 'mysql', 'postgresql' or 'sqlite'

->getUsername() public

Gets the username for this database


string getUsername( )


The username

->getVersion() public

Gets the version of the database system


string getVersion( )


The database system version

->inject() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Injects an fSQLTranslation object to handle translation


void inject( fSQLTranslation $sql_translation )


fSQLTranslation $sql_translation The SQL translation object

->isInsideTransaction() public

Will indicate if a transaction is currently in progress


boolean isInsideTransaction( )


If a transaction has been started and not yet rolled back or committed

->prepare() public

Prepares a single fStatement object to execute prepared statements

Identifier placeholders (%r) are not supported with prepared statements. In addition, multiple values can not be escaped by a placeholder - only a single value can be provided.


fStatement prepare( string $sql )


string $sql The SQL to prepare


A prepared statement object that can be passed to query(), unbufferedQuery() or execute()

->preprocess() internal public

Please note: this method is public, however it is primarily intended for internal use by Flourish and will normally not be useful in site/application code

Preprocesses SQL by escaping values, spliting queries, cleaning escaped semicolons, fixing backslashed single quotes and translating


array preprocess( string $sql, array $values, boolean $translate, array &$rollback_queries=NULL )


string $sql The SQL to process
array $values Literal values to escape into the SQL
boolean $translate If the SQL should be translated
array &$rollback_queries MySQL doesn't allow transactions around ALTER TABLE statements, and some of those require multiple statements, so this is an array of "undo" SQL statements


The split out SQL queries, queries that have been translated will have a string key of a number, : and the original SQL, non-translated SQL will have a numeric key

->query() public

Executes one or more SQL queries and returns the result(s)


fResult|array query( string|fStatement $statement, mixed $value [, ... ] )


string|fStatement $statement One or more SQL statements in a string or a single fStatement prepared statement
mixed $value [, ... ] The optional value(s) to place into any placeholders in the SQL - see escape() for details


The fResult object(s) for the query

->registerHookCallback() public

Registers a callback for one of the various query hooks - multiple callbacks can be registered for each hook

The following hooks are available:

  • 'unmodified': The original SQL passed to fDatabase, for prepared statements this is called just once before the fStatement object is created
  • 'extracted': The SQL after all non-empty strings have been extracted and replaced with ordered sprintf-style placeholders
  • 'run': After the SQL has been run

Methods for the 'unmodified' hook should have the following signature:

  • $database: The fDatabase instance
  • &$sql: The original, unedited SQL
  • &$values: The values to be escaped into the placeholders in the SQL

Methods for the 'extracted' hook should have the following signature:

  • $database: The fDatabase instance
  • &$sql: The SQL with all strings removed and replaced with %1$s-style placeholders
  • &$values: The values to be escaped into the placeholders in the SQL

The extracted hook is the best place to modify the SQL since there is no risk of breaking string literals. Please note that there may be empty strings ('') present in the SQL since some databases treat those as NULL.

Methods for the 'run' hook should have the following signature:

  • $database: The fDatabase instance
  • $query: The (string) SQL or array(0 => {fStatement object}, 1 => {values array})
  • $query_time: The (float) number of seconds the query took
  • $result The fResult or fUnbufferedResult object, or FALSE if no result


void registerHookCallback( string $hook, callback $callback )


string $hook The hook to register for
callback $callback The callback to register - see the method description for details about the method signature

->translatedExecute() public

Translates one or more SQL statements using fSQLTranslation and executes them without returning any results


void translatedExecute( string $sql, mixed $value [, ... ] )


string $sql One or more SQL statements
mixed $value [, ... ] The optional value(s) to place into any placeholders in the SQL - see escape() for details

->translatedPrepare() public

Translates a SQL statement and creates an fStatement object from it

Identifier placeholders (%r) are not supported with prepared statements. In addition, multiple values can not be escaped by a placeholder - only a single value can be provided.


fStatement translatedPrepare( string $sql )


string $sql The SQL to prepare


A prepared statement object that can be passed to query(), unbufferedQuery() or execute()

->translatedQuery() public

Translates one or more SQL statements using fSQLTranslation and executes them


fResult|array translatedQuery( string $sql, mixed $value [, ... ] )


string $sql One or more SQL statements
mixed $value [, ... ] The optional value(s) to place into any placeholders in the SQL - see escape() for details


The fResult object(s) for the query

->unbufferedQuery() public

Executes a single SQL statement in unbuffered mode. This is optimal for

large results sets since it does not load the whole result set into memory first. The gotcha is that only one unbuffered result can exist at one time. If another unbuffered query is executed, the old result will be deleted.


fUnbufferedResult unbufferedQuery( string|fStatement $statement, mixed $value [, ... ] )


string|fStatement $statement A single SQL statement
mixed $value [, ... ] The optional value(s) to place into any placeholders in the SQL - see escape() for details


The result object for the unbuffered query

->unbufferedTranslatedQuery() public

Translates the SQL statement using fSQLTranslation and then executes it

in unbuffered mode. This is optimal for large results sets since it does not load the whole result set into memory first. The gotcha is that only one unbuffered result can exist at one time. If another unbuffered query is executed, the old result will be deleted.


fUnbufferedResult unbufferedTranslatedQuery( string $sql, mixed $value [, ... ] )


string $sql A single SQL statement
mixed $value [, ... ] The optional value(s) to place into any placeholders in the SQL - see escape() for details


The result object for the unbuffered query

->unescape() public

Unescapes a value coming out of a database based on its data type

The valid data types are:

  • 'blob' (or '%l')
  • 'boolean' (or '%b')
  • 'date' (or '%d')
  • 'float' (or '%f')
  • 'integer' (or '%i')
  • 'string' (also '%s', 'varchar', 'char' or 'text')
  • 'time' (or '%t')
  • 'timestamp' (or '%p')


mixed unescape( string $data_type, mixed $value )


string $data_type The data type being unescaped - see method description for valid values
mixed $value The value or array of values to unescape


The unescaped value