Flourish PHP Unframework


The fMessaging class is a simple session-based messaging tool that allows for messaging to be pulled out of your URLs and kept behind the scenes.

Creating Messages

The method create() will construct a message and save it for later retrieval. It accepts three parameters, the $name of the message, the $recipient and the $message itself. Here is an example of creating a message:

fMessaging::create('success', '/admin/users', 'The user was successfully created');

As you can see above, I used a URL as the recipient, however this is not a requirement. Any string can be used as a recipient, you will just need to use the same recipient when retrieving the message, as you will see below.

Retrieving Messages

Once a message has been created, it can then be retrieved. The action of retrieving a message deletes it from the session, thus messages are write-once/read-once. The retrieve() method requires two parameters, the $name of the message and the $recipient. Both parameters need to be the same as when the message was created.

If a message for the $name and $recipient combination has not been created, NULL will be returned instead.

Here is an example of retrieving a message and displaying it:

if ($success = fMessaging::retrieve('success', '/admin/users')) {
    echo $success;

Since calling retrieve() removes the message and prevents it from being retrieved on another page, sometimes it is more appropriate to call the method check(). check() will return a boolean, indicating if a message with the $name and $recipient currently exists:

if (fMessaging::check('success', '/admin/users')) {
    // ...

Displaying Messages

The show() method will display any message with the $name and $recipient specified. If a message exists, it be displayed in a p or div tag. By default, the $name of the message will be used as the CSS class for the HTML tag, however if a different class is desired, the optional third parameter $css_class can be specified.

show() will only print the output if the string is not empty, and will detect if the provided content contains any block-level HTML tags, automatically switching from printing a p tag to a div tag.

Here are a few examples:

// Example 1: Show the success message for /admin/users
fMessaging::show('success', '/admin/users');

// Example 2: Show the error message for /admin/users with the CSS class 'message'
fMessaging::show('error', '/admin/users', 'message');

And here is the output for the two calls to show() (whitespace added to the HTML for readability):

<!-- Example 1 -->
<p class="success">
    The user was successfully created!

<!-- Example 2 -->
<div class="message">
        The following fields need a value:

It is also possible to show multiple messages with a single call by passing an array of message names or '*' for all messages. Please note that using either of these options will disable the functionality of the third parameter, $css_class, and the message names will be used for the CSS classes.

// Show 'success' and 'error'
    array('success', 'error'),

// Show all messages for the recipient
fMessaging::show('*', '/admin/users');

Using No Recipient

It is possible to use all of the fMessaging methods without a recipient. To do this, simply leave out the recipient parameter. Please note that this means each method will have one less parameter, it does not mean that NULL should be passed in instead.

Here are the methods without a recipient:

fMessaging::create('success', 'The user was successfully created');
$success = fMessaging::retrieve('success');
if (fMessaging::check('success')) { }

The only downside to not specifying a recipient is the possibility of overwriting messages in a multi-tab browser environment.